Gen II – It Takes II Launch

Dark blue background with the text "It Takes II" in bold white text in the center of the frame. A square particle effect rains down in the background. 2 Glass letter I's sit in front of the design, partially obscuring the text with a colourful refraction effect.

Gen II It Takes II Launch – animated event space imagery What better way to celebrate your company’s expansion than by throwing a party with clients, prospects, and partners? Along with Gen II‘s European expansion, they wanted some fresh brand elements to symbolise their evolution. The stage was set and the designs were done, […]

EVie A-B

an animated brand sting for the compoany EVie. The animation starts with the EVie company logo, a blue circle with the word "EVie" in. The Logo transitions into a blue dot on the side of an simple line illustration of an electric car. This car then transitions to become a van, which then transitions to become a smaller, compact, electric car before transitioning back to the company logo. Motion Graphics

EVie Electric Vehicle service explainer video Evie is rolling out a new A-B Service and wants to spread the word! Soon you’ll be able to hop in one of these awesome little electric cars at one location and drop them off at any of their other A-B locations across the island. Evie wanted to […]

Ick Factor – Music Video

An illustrated close up shot of a female lying on the ground in a grassy environment. The female is wearing a red had , has dirty blonde hair and has a solemn expression on her face.

Art House Jersey An animated music video for a Jersey based Artist, Pheobe Over Unfortunately, not all projects are meant to be! Even when they get this close to the finish line… This was a project for a local musician that never quite made it out into the world. I was provided a character […]

Jersey Hemp – Tesco Launch Animation

An image of a hemp plant, amongst a field of other hemp plants in a water colour style. The Image has a thin black line creating an inset frame on the image, seperating the front plant from the plants behind it. The image is overlaid with the "Jersey Hemp" logo. A simple logo of the letters J and H, wrapped by a circle frame and a small leaf making the dot of a lower case J.

Jersey Hemp – Tesco Launch Animation An animation to showcase the Jersey Hemp product as it rolled out in Tesco stores across the UK When a client appears with a short deadline, a brief and no brand assets what do you do? In this instance, I turned to A.I. Yes, yes! Boo, hiss! I […]

The Princess Alice Disaster of 1878

an image of "The Princess Alice Disaster of 1878, 2022" by Julia Fullerton-Batten. The dramatically lit, staged portrait photograph depicts a sailing disaster from 1878. 18 Figures are depicted on a shipwreck in period appropriate attire. The image is dark and ominous.

Submarine Creative A short piece documenting the final moments of the victims of the Princess Alice disaster of 1878 I love little projects like this. Submarine Creative (Will Robinson) came to me to get help turning The Princess Alice Disaster of 1878, by Julia Fullerton-Batten into a living painting. The plates had already been […]

Visit Jersey – Christmas Campaign ’23

an animated gif of santas red reindeer pulled sleigh moving across 2 seperate scenes. The first scene is an aerial shot of the Jersey landmark "St Aubins Fort". The second scene is a dark star-less sky. The sleigh travels in front of the moon leaving a trail of magic dust

A collaborative effort to bring Santas sleigh to the skies over Jersey Christmas comes but once a year… Although as an animator it can feel like the season lasts a fair bit longer! I joke, I always love getting into the Christmas spirit, so was excited when I was approached about this project by […]

World Ocean Day for Schools 2023 – Ocean is family

Minimal, colourful illustration of a family in a rowing boat, floating on an orange, stylised, body of water. The text "Ocean is Family" Sits above them in frame

World Ocean Day for Schools A short animation to celebrate World Ocean Day ’23, sharing the message “Ocean is family. We are all connected” Working alongside Linzi and Luke at World Ocean Day for Schools is always a pleasure. Providing educators with the inspiration, resources & activities to engage their students in more meaningful […]

Yozobi Explainer

an animated logo sting for the company Yozobi. The logo is white font, with a red accent on a deep blue background. The text of the logo forms in a sweeping motion, guided by the red accent that makes the top right section of the letter Y. Motion graphics

Yozobi A short animation, showcasing Yozobis service offerings A little glimpse into the more corporate side of what I do. This project was undertaken as part of a larger rebrand from Yozobi. To go along with the new look, they also wanted a clean and easy-to-digest way to explain what they do. This piece […]

Sea7 – Ocean Activists Camp

An animated gif of a poster for an Ocean Activists Camp called "Sea 7". The event is presented by "finisterre" Their logo is presented quite small at the top of the design. Beneath this in bold lettering is "Sea 7". The text is black with a turquoise drop shadow. The Main Poster imagery is an orange hand with a mermaids tail. It swims into frame from the top right, before following an animation curve upwards from the center, settling in the middle of the frame. A black and turquoise fish with a skeletal head swims in from the right hand side of the frame and settles in the plam of the hand as an eye opens from the divide that sepearates the hand element, from the mermaids tail element. As the hand settles into the middle of the frame the pinky finger of the hand pops off and 2 flags emerge from the cavity on the finger. The fish in the palm then wiggles free of the hand as the the whole image fades away and resets to loop. Motion graphics

World Ocean Day for Schools A short animation to celebrate World Ocean Day ’23, sharing the message “Ocean is family. We are all connected” Working alongside Linzi and Luke at World Ocean Day for Schools is always a pleasure. Providing educators with the inspiration, resources & activities to engage their students in more meaningful […]

WoD & Friends

the company logo for "World Ocean Day for Schools" on a white background, with 4 waterdrop characters in the foreground, holding up a sign with "& Friends" on it. The company logo depicts the weather, with wind, rain and clouds about an urban high rise building being represented int eh top two thirds, whilst a whales tail is seen extruding from the water in the bottom third. The logo is a circular design split into 3 with the words "world ocean Day" wrapping around the circle at the top and "for schools" beneath. The 4 water droplet characters are in a hand drawn illustrative style, whilst the cardboard sign the hold is a photograph with "& Friends" imposed over the top.

World Ocean Day for Schools Getting to use my skill set to spread a positive message is one of my favourite parts of what I do. That’s why working with Protect Blue is always a pleasure! This brand was animated in After Effects with some additional character animation done in Moho.